5.0 - Forms

5.1 - Form description

Form description elements

Default styling

*You need permission from your parent/guardian to register. Please ask them to complete the form.
<span class="mee-description">
    *You need permission from your parent/guardian to register. Please ask them to complete the form.

5.3 - Form header

Form footer styling

Default styling

Registration form

Form header left


Registration form

Form header right


Registration form

Form header full


Registration form
  <div class="mee-form-header">
    <div class="{$modifiers}">Registration form</div>

5.4 - Form footer

Form footer styling

Default styling

<form><div class="mee-form-footer">
    By selecting Submit you are agreeing to the <a href="#">Terms of Use</a>.
    This is our <a href="#">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="#">Terms and Conditions</a>.

5.5 - Small form style

Small form used in registratin, login, etc

Default styling

Registration form
<form class="mee-small-form">
  <div class="mee-form-header">Registration form</div>
  <div class="mee-form-footer">
    By selecting Submit you are agreeing to the <a href="#">Terms of Use</a>.
    This is our <a href="#">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="#">Terms and Conditions</a>.

5.6 - Button style

Default styling


Default purple button



Red button



Blue button



Green button



Gray button



Large purple button


<a class="{$modifiers}">Sample</sample>

5.7 - Input - checkbox

Default checkbox style

Default styling

<form><label class="mee-checbox-label"><input name="checkbox" type="checkbox"> An example checbox</label></form>

5.8 - Input - text

Default text style

Default styling

<form><label>Text field</label><input placeholder="Placeholder text" type="text"></form>

5.9 - Input - date

Default date style

Default styling

<form><label>Text field</label><input type="date"></form>

5.10 - Input - submit

Default submit style

Default styling

Styling for when a form has been submitted to indicate to user request in progress


<form><input class="{$modifiers}" type="submit"></form>

5.11 - Select list

Default select style
NOTE: due to styling we need to have a wrapper around our slelect elements with .mee-select class

Default styling

White select ot be used on white background elements


Purple select ot be used on purple background elements


  <div class="mee-select {$modifiers}">
      <option value="1">Option one</option>
      <option value="2">Option two</option>
      <option value="3">Option three</option>
<form class="mee-purple-bg" style="padding:10px;">
  <div class="mee-select {$modifiers}">
      <option value="1">Option one</option>
      <option value="2">Option two</option>
      <option value="3">Option three</option>

5.12 - Textarea

Default text area style

Default styling
